“I have gotten better at just living in the moment and that is huge progress for me. Just ask my husband. Better yet, ask any of my friends.
See, I am blessed. I have the best people in my life. What I mean is that I am lucky enough to have some of the most fabulous people who I call friends and even better they call me a friend too. ”
Like any other photographers my fall gets busy……Like super busy, working 50-60 hrs a week busy. Holy moly…. how do I get it all done BUSY? Well, I get it done one session at a time. Here’s the thing…. I’m a workaholic. I just had probably a handful of friends and family who snorted and just chucked or laughed uncontrollably as they read that. All the while saying “Noooooooo, Really?” or “You? A workaholic? That’s affirmative.”
I'm not even a recovering workaholic. I just freaking love what I do. I love my full-time job. I love my photography business. Even in the crazy busyness of what I have on my plate right now which is 3 (or is it maybe 4) client sessions to edit plus more on my sch WAITedule to shoot but in truth, I truly freakin LOVE what I do to the point that it doesn’t feel like work sometimes. I really do, but I also know when I need to step back, take a break and relax for an evening or take a weekend. I am not afraid to do that when the need arises. I have gotten better at just living in the moment and that is huge progress for me. Just ask my husband. WAIT…..Better yet, ask any of my friends.
See, I am blessed. I have the best people in my life. What I mean is that I am lucky enough to have some of the most fabulous people who I call friends and even better they call me a friend too. Some of my best friends are definite keepers, I couldn’t image my life without them and our friendships has been years in the making. Many have been blessing me with their friendship for 7, 10, 15 and wowza some are still going strong for more than 20+ years. Some are even longer but if I do the math on that then it will be a bit too telling for our ages, and hey, we are all only 29…. hahaha! They are strong like an anvil. They strengthen me. I hope I strengthen them. We have been through it all. More importantly when I get super crazy busy they still love me through it all or despite it all.
Sooo, you’re asking yourself “Good for you, but what’s great friends got to do with being super busy?” Well, I recently read the book by Rachel Hollis “Girl, Wash Your Face”. I loved it!! As I read it earlier this summer, there were times that it was exactly what I needed to hear. At the time, I had some major projects in progress without a clear ending in sight and was preparing for more. I was struggling with the “How do I do it all” mentality or better yet, “Can I do it all or do I try to kill myself trying?” I chose instead to skip a few things this year after many years of prior participation. I decided the world would still go around even if I didn’t try to do it all. And you know what? It did. With gusto, the world just kept spinning. Right after I made my decision, I read almost the exact words in her book as my inner monologue. If you have not read this book, I strongly suggest you find one, borrow one, check one out from your local library or buy it. I ordered one before I was done reading the one I borrowed from my library. It was that good and I have already lent my copy to a dear friend. Rachel Hollis has a challenge called the “last90days”. So, in the chaos of my busy fall schedule I signed up and so did a bunch of my friends. Here’s a link if you want to know more: https://thechicsite.com/90days/.
One of the daily challenges is about gratitude and you write down 10 things you are grateful for. My friends often make the list. After I seen a picture of the anvil I took earlier this fall it got me thinking about how my friendships strength me. I also realized many of my friends do this without realizing the importance they have in my life or for me taking the time to say “Thanks for loving this workaholic. This over scheduled, just let me check my book, but super fun, ready to laugh, coffee loving crazy friend”. I have a weekend with a couple of my college friends coming up and cannot wait to see them. There will be drink coffee in our jammies, laugh until we cry, and our sides hurt, and we cannot hardly catch our breath moments and you know what……. I CANNOT WAIT!!!
According to the internet to make steel strong you need to use a specific type of heating process known as hardening and tampering and the process can be hazardous. Sounds like great friendship. Sometimes it can be hard but anything worth having usually is tough at one point or another. My friendships have survived and continue to strengthen each year.
So, this blog is dedicated to my many great friends. Again, my list is long. I know I am lucky. I know I am so very lucky to have the best friends. The kind of friends you know you can count on. The friends that live over 5 hours away, but you know you can call at 3 am because there is a bat in your apartment. That really happened with one of my great friends. For the record, I was the phone call receiver not maker. We still laugh hysterically when we talk about it and it’s been over 20 years since that happened.
As I have more birthdays, the more I realize how much your tribe strengthens who we are and who we hope to become. I hope I am as good a friend to you all as you are to me. I pray I make you better. I pray I make you stronger. I hope I strengthen you. I hope I am as good a friend to you as you are to me. Love you all.
Inspire & Electrify