So I get asked quite a bit on why I use Sugar Creek Photos? Where did it come from? Why and how did I decide on it? Let me give you a little insight. I have always loved photography and looking at great photos has been something I have always loved doing. I love a picture that makes me feel something and to feel something passionately.
So with that being said here's a bit of my story. I have taken photos most of my life but never really shared that with anyone. My husband knew and a few really close friends but that was about it. Even my immediate family members didn't realize how much I enjoyed photography or how much I was shooting. Then in August of 2010, I got THE SHOT!! It is my lightning shot with three lightning bolts. It is one of my "once in a lifetime shots". This shot should not have happened....I was riding (my hubby was driving...thank you) in a vehicle, moving at a high rate of speed trying to beat this storm home, shooting through a closed window with my little red Kodak point and shoot that was my first digital camera I bought on clearance at my local Radioshack!! By all accounts this photo is a miracle and was a gift from my maker. It was also the photo that made me step back and start take myself a bit more seriously as a photographer. I have a fabulous husband and wonderful friends who encouraged me to start sharing more of my photos with the world. These supportive group believed I had a gift of taking great photos of hidden little spots of beauty and that the public would enjoy them & love them. They believed in me even when I didn't. So I took a big leap for me and did start sharing my little secret hobby with the world. I joined our local art guild and starting taking photos to some shows. It has just built from there and I never would have dreamed it would have taken me where it has. After that initial few months of capturing this great shot, I was sharing on Facebook and selling a few more prints about 6 to 10 a year. That's when I realized I was starting a journey to owning my own what should I call it?????
I quickly knew I didn't want to use my name, it just didn't feel right to me. I didn't want to use my initials or our brand. I tossed ideas around for weeks maybe even months knowing when I found it that I would know it when I found it. Nothing came to me for weeks. I wanted something fun. I wanted something inspiring. I wanted something unique. I wanted something that had a story......that's when I found it!!!
There is an old building where we live. It might have been an old bunkhouse or maybe a milk house at one time. We have used it for storage just to keep odds and ends. I was in there looking for something....I can't even remember when this was but I looked up and seen it. There was this old milk permit issued by the state of Nebraska. It was stapled to the wall and for some divine reason I took a second look at it and that's when it came to me. Why not use Sugar Creek for part of my business name???
Yes indeed, why not use Sugar Creek? It had a great story. Hubby thought it was cool and would be fun and maybe a bit inspiring. So I choose to use Sugar Creek Photos and have not looked back since. I was able to find a great little clip art of bee and I wanted to use it as part of my logo. I thought it was fun and when I am about taking photos I feel like a little busy bee. People tell me that I look like I am buzzing around when I am on a's been a lot of fun. Then I thought up a great little slogan...."Great Photos Make Life Sweeter". I truly believe that....great photos capture and make great memories. It is my dream and my hope that I reflect that in my work. I really hope my photos take you to a great place and truly make your day a bit sweeter!
"Three Strikes" one of my favorite shots. It is the photo that started my journey to Sugar Creek Photos.
A copy of the milk permit which inspired my business name. This hangs in my office by my folders where I keep project work, magazine requests, client orders etc. The family has the original.
My first digital camera bought on clearance for about $100 at a local Radioshack dealer Huskerland Communications in Valentine, NE in June of 2009. I used this camera from 2009 until July of 2015. My lightning shot, "Three Strikes" and "Serenity" my print included in a black and white digital display at the Lourve in Paris during 2015 plus many of my well known prints were taken with this camera. Most people can't believe this little camera was all I had for so many years. I started my journey to Sugar Creek Photos with this little gem.
"Serenity". This black and white was included in a digital display at the Lourve in Paris during 2015 and included in the 2015 See Me Exposure black and white collection book.