Here in North Central Nebraska winter can be long. I mean super duper long and holy moly, IT CAN BE REALLY COLD! I am a fair weather girl and these really short cold winter days make me long for warmer weather. I can hardly wait!!! That includes springtime storms, warm summer nights and picnics at the river. I recently went through the archives for some magazine work and found some of my favorite cloud pictures. I shared some of those on my Facebook page along with some spring and flower shots. The warmth I feel in them will get me though.....but not gonna lie...praying for a warm chinook wind here.
However, in the meantime, I do love to take snow pictures. I know, I know, how can I love snow pictures but not love the cold? Welcome to Nebraska friends. Can't have one without the other. Just gotta suck it up buttercup and get out there.
Every year I have an ongoing evolving list of places and locations that are on my list of goals to shot. A good portion of my list includes fresh snow on some favorite hidden out of the way spots. So despite the fact that I would rather lounge in my jammies all day with a cup of coffee liberally laced with Rumchata and a great book, I still go out in the wintertime to shoot. I bundle up in layers for warmth but I need to still be able to move and quickly. So I have light weight layers, then wind and waterproof layers which are my best friends plus I had new snow boots to try out. So earlier today, January 14, 2018 I headed out in the morning. Thankfully hubby was able to go with me and be my driver. By time I had been out for about an hour, I had rain. Light rain in January....GREAT! JUST GREAT! I was expecting snow as weather had forecasted but not rain. But I shot along the Niobrara River for a couple hours and got some snow and ice shots. Most of my concerns today were keeping water drops off my camera lens. I looked like a crazy photographer lady who had a facemask kinda like Darth Vader would wear. Glad I didn't have to worry about style points. new boots kept me warm though. Not once were my toes cold. HURRAH!. Stylish? The boots yes. The rest of me not so much. Warm and dry? Yes. Anyone who said being a photographer is glamorous.....not so. Check out some of the shots hubby got of me with my cell phone. Wow! Like I said...Glamorous!
Winter can be brutually amazing. It is so pristine with fresh snow. My favorites spots to view are generally the same areas I shot during the warmer parts of the year. Those same locations with a light snow on it are transformed. If you know me one of my favorite places to be is near the river. That said, the river with snow and ice can be FABULOUS! Be sure to check out the gallery attached to this blog post or the go to Facebook posts I posted earlier from today's shots.
Stay safe & warm the meantime I hope you enjoy some of the snow pictures I'm sharing with you today.
Janette shooting at the Norden Bridge on January 14, 2018 shooting along the Niobrara River in the rain. Like I said....glamorous! That's me.
Me with Hubby on January 14, 2018 shooting along the Niobrara River in the rain.
Janette shooting on January 14, 2018 shooting at the Norden Bridge along the Niobrara River in the rain. Check out my new boots. They really kept me warm today.
I gave my hubby thumbs up after shooting at the Norden Bridge on January 4, 2018. I had been out for over 2 hours and blessedly still wasn't cold. Layering works! LOL!