The Sand Painters Art Guild that I am a member of had our ANAC selection show today. This show is where we collectively choose works from a current member that will represent our group at the state art show ANAC in Scottsbluff this June. I had two selections chosen. They are "Snowy Paper Birch" and "First on Fresh Snow".
Are you ready for summer? I AM!!!
Freshing up for Spring...
So the last couple days have been beautiful where I live. Almost 70 degrees and if we didn't have a strong wind, it would have been about perfect. Thankfully we have melted almost all our snow from a storm a couple weeks ago which dumped close to 15-18" snow with really strong wins at the homestead. Yuck!!! I really hope we are done with snow for this spring.
I had a rare day yesterday scheduled at home and used it to get caught up on some office work. I really boogied and accomplished about 4 times what my original goal was. YEAH!!!! Girl Power!!! May is super busy for me and I am getting ready for a whole bunch of various functions. I am holding my breath and just waiting to see if Spring is really here! (I hope so!!!)
I did a little spring cleaning freshing up on my webpage. I changed a few albums around. I changed up a few photos. So take a look and check out a few of the new cover photos on the front of my webpage. I hope you enjoy it!
In the meantime, I am ready for summer with warmer nights, barn dances, river trips, storm clouds and to enjoy time with friends! I am sharing a few summer photos to get us by until it arrives and we can really truly enjoy it. Take it easy and have a great weekend.
Inspire and Electrify!
A little about me.....
I believes there is beauty in everyday life, you just have to choose to see it!!
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I have a variety of canvases, prints in stock plus custom gift items ready for May Day, Mother's Day, Graduation, Father's Day or just because. Check it out!
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