This has got to be one of the prettiest summers I can remember in quite some time just because of the wildflowers.
Read MoreAre you ready for summer? I AM!!!
Freshing up for Spring...
So the last couple days have been beautiful where I live. Almost 70 degrees and if we didn't have a strong wind, it would have been about perfect. Thankfully we have melted almost all our snow from a storm a couple weeks ago which dumped close to 15-18" snow with really strong wins at the homestead. Yuck!!! I really hope we are done with snow for this spring.
I had a rare day yesterday scheduled at home and used it to get caught up on some office work. I really boogied and accomplished about 4 times what my original goal was. YEAH!!!! Girl Power!!! May is super busy for me and I am getting ready for a whole bunch of various functions. I am holding my breath and just waiting to see if Spring is really here! (I hope so!!!)
I did a little spring cleaning freshing up on my webpage. I changed a few albums around. I changed up a few photos. So take a look and check out a few of the new cover photos on the front of my webpage. I hope you enjoy it!
In the meantime, I am ready for summer with warmer nights, barn dances, river trips, storm clouds and to enjoy time with friends! I am sharing a few summer photos to get us by until it arrives and we can really truly enjoy it. Take it easy and have a great weekend.
Inspire and Electrify!
Wow.....Ice galore!!! Holy moly!!
Oh my......Mother Nature how you never cease to amaze me and to take my breath away here in North Central Nebraska.Read More